Joining The Frat
By: Pi-Zero

So, um, yeah. Hi. I was told I have to write this, for the official Records. Apparently the history of the frat is important. From what I understand, a lot of the Brothers come down here and use it for jackoff material too. Anyway, yeah, I'm supposed to tell the story of my induction into the Fraternity of Epsilon Delta Omega.

I suppose I should start this story with a description of myself so any of you reading this will know at, least roughly, what I looked like. And those of you with your pants already around your knees can get a better picture and realize I'm not your cup of tea. So, um, my name is Dan, but no one calls me that, really. Everyone I'm friends with calls me Pi, `cause, well I'm a big nerd. Or a little nerd, I guess. I'm short, only about five foot four (and a quarter), but I've been told I'm built "like a brick shithouse." I've got broad shoulders that taper into a small waste, and nicely built arms and legs. I'll admit, besides my "situp" routine, I don't work for it, really. It's a natural result of doing gymnastics, swimming butterfly, and diving. Then, off season I play Frisbee and broomball which is great for those long muscles in my legs. So it's not like I'm lazy or anything, I work, but I'm no gym rat. I hate the place. But anyway, I've got blue eyes, a strong jaw, tousled blond hair. In short, I'm pretty much your classic attractive, athletic, guy next door… except I'm freaking short and I've got something of a self- confidence issue (or did). Well, and I cook… and… I'm gay.

It's funny, given what I went through to get into EDO that I'm still so reluctant to put that down on paper. Dude, I mean, it's not even like I'm not out all around campus, it's just… writing it down. Oh, sorry, distracted, back to the story.

If you'd told me before I got to school that I'd be joining a frat, I would literally have laughed in your face. I seriously contemplated going to a school without frats simply BECAUSE it didn't have frats! Being a part of a frat was the LAST thing I intended to do with my college career. Of course you know the end of THAT part of the story already.

So, since I wasn't looking to join, I suppose I should tell you a little about how I got to pledging, or even how I ended up at the rush party, given that I don't even party much. Well, like all incoming freshman, I got placed with my roommate. He was nice enough, I suppose, an average kid, thought he wanted to major in math or something. Supposedly, our schedules were supposed to match or some shit. But, of course, they didn't. He was always up late working on his HUGE ass computer, light flooding the room. And when he wasn't, he was on the phone with his damn hometown honey. Oh God, I thought I was gonna puke from all the cutsey love shit spilling forth from that phone. So I spent a lot of time elsewhere.

It was about three weeks into the semester, and I was sitting on the steps of the chemistry building next to the quad. I was watching the stars and feeling kinda small and alone. I had had to leave gymnastics behind, there was no team here, and I didn't know the swimming or diving team very well yet. Besides, they OOZED hetero hormones. The first weekend there had been a party and within an hour the girls were all shirtless. Dude, it was a freaking miasma of sex hormones.

So anyways, I was sitting there, feeling sorry for myself, when all the sudden I hear a slightly accented, "Hey there." from behind me. I turned and looked over my shoulder to see heaven descended. "You're Dan, right? I saw you with the divers the other day in the gym on the tramp. You're pretty hot out there. Hi, my name's Christian"

I think I just sat for a second with my jaw open. Let me describe Christian. He's only five-foot two-inches tall (wow, a man shorter than me), and every ounce and inch of it is finely sculpted muscle. He had to most perfect cross between the body of a gymnast and a soccer player. His hair was dark and buzzed short. His eyes sparkled brown from a grinning, dimpled face. His skin, even in the faint light of the campus lamps glowed tan. Besides being short, he could have put any Abercrombie or porn model completely to shame.

Finally, I stuck out my hand to take his, "Yeah, Dan…" I don't process conversation quickly, and it's made a hundred times worse if I find a man attractive. Christian made all rational thought impossible. You're pretty hot out there? What does that mean? It's probably just some latest phrase and meant nothing. Shut up brain, he's talking again.

"Saw you sitting here all alone on a Friday night, Dude, thought you might want to talk or something. I remember when I first got here. It's a big place and it can really suck for a while until you meet people." He grinned, "Mind if I sit? My feet hurt."

I stumbled, oh for God's sake, it wasn't a hard question, answer the man! "Uh, sure." Brilliant, Einstein. Despite my idiocy, he sat down, and we got to talking. Turns out he was originally from Switzerland; he did indeed play soccer, though he had dabbled in gymnastics in his free time in high school. God, everything about him was sexy, his laugh, his accent (as little as there was), his body, his eyes, his voice… I was head over heels in… lust? Well, it was lust, I wanted him, but can you lust for someone's mind (did I mention he was brilliant and liked to talk biology?) and laugh?

It was getting a little later in the evening, about ten (remember, I didn't party, no reason to stay up late). Christian looked at me with those deep and shining eyes, "Hey, you wanna make love? Right now?" Well… no… not exactly… but that's what I wanted him to say. He actually said, "Hey, you should come meet some of my friends, we're having a little get together to hang out tonight. No pressure, and I bet you'd like them." Oh god, I would have to be intelligent. I'd have to be a conversationalist. Oh no, I'd have to drink beer and be straight. But for that pain I'd get to be near Christian.

Well, you can guess what my answer was. I was an 18 year old, gay, hormone driven, virgin, man, and Christian was… Christian. So I went with him. My brain was screaming, "No no NO! You'll get in trouble! You'll regret it! Don't go you fooooool!" Luckily, for once in my life, I ignored my head and let my dick and heart lead. It was the best stupid move of my life.

So I crossed campus with Christian (not Chris), still talking. We got to a building I didn't recognize. I thought it must be one of the semi-off campus houses. It was nice, brick, and relatively large. We went in the back door (lucky for me I thought later, if I had realized what building it was, I never would have gone), through a very large kitchen - kept remarkably well for a college kitchen - and into a large living room. It was well furnished, a bunch of guys were sitting around a television (which was on, but no one was paying attention). They were laughing and giggling and barely noticed Christian and I come in.

"Hey guys! How's it goin'?" Christian said. Everyone looked up, one guy (I later learned his name was Randy) rolled his eyes, "Brought a lost puppy for the wolves?" It didn't sound like a joke. I felt Christian stiffen next to me, "This is Dan. I thought he might like to meet you all." He put an odd emphasis on `meet' but I didn't pay much attention. The rest of the guys greeted me warmly. They offered me a beer, oh no, I don't like beer! I must have paused a little longer than I should have, `cause another guy (Cody) spoke up, "Hey, no worries, I'm not a fan myself, we've got hard cider or this mellow beer called Tsingtao." I heaved a mental sigh of relief, I love hard cider. I later found out I liked Tsingtao too, and grew to like some harder beers as well, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The guys - besides Randy who seemed to take an instant dislike to me (I think it's `cause he was a classic big jock who didn't think there was a place in sports for smaller guys. The sports they played were "wussy boy" sports or something) - were really cool, and remarkably normal. Most of them were gorgeous, of all different body types, builds, hair colors, and skin tones. I usually go for the stereotypical white American A&F boys, but damn, there was a guy named Cameron who was skinny, (ripped) but skinny who was quite attractive. And another guy by the name of Ty who was black, and BUILT. Damn, he was attractive, and I'd never been attracted to a black guy in my life. But anyways, despite noticing all that, I realized suddenly that I was paying more attention to what the guys were saying and the fun I was having than the guys' bodies. This was something new and cool for me. Though I will admit that I lost the train of conversation several times `cause I was lost in Christian's body. They were all hot, but to me, he was heaven.

Anyways, I had a fantastic time just hanging out and meeting the guys. Finally about 3 in the morning I begged out and decided I had to go home, I could barely keep my eyes open. Christian led me to the door, "Hey, you should come over tomorrow around 9:00. A bunch of us are getting together for some music and dancing and shit." I smiled, not even for Christian would I expose myself to that nightmare, "Sure, yeah, maybe. I got a lot of work to do. You know, they go easy on you until the drop/add period's over then WHAM!" I grinned, hoping he'd buy it.

Christian smiled and laughed, "Oh yeah, I know ALL about that! You should have seen me after the third week of Lin Al set in last year! OY! But seriously, you should come over. Hope to see you then!" He gave me one more of those brilliant, mind hazing smiles and I left, wandering home in a haze of hormones and giddiness.

Saturday was pretty much like normal for me. I slept in later than usual, having stayed up late and drunk some alcohol. No hangover, I'd only had one of those so far and did not like it very much. I finally dragged my lazy ass out of bed and did some sit-ups to wake up before starting a paper I really needed to get off the ground. Got a few pages done, but got bored really quickly, it was some paper about gendered psychology or something, but I'm sure no one wants to hear about that.

So, the day passed without incident. I thought a lot about my run in with Christian and his friends the night before, and wondered if it might happen again. It was almost enough to make me think about dragging myself to a party. But not quite. Yeah, that's how much I hated parties. How things change, eh?

Anyways, night rolled around, I went to the dining hall with a few of my friends but they had their own papers to write and parties to go to. So I went home. I only had the one paper to write and I had managed to get a start on it this morning so I lay back on my bed to reread some Tolkein (for the 16th time). It was about 8:45 when there was a knock on my door. My roommate had gone home for the weekend, and I didn't know enough people yet to have any visitors, so I was surprised.

I was even more surprised when I opened the door and Christian was standing there. "Hey Dan, I was sent out to get more stuff for the party so I figured I'd drop by and ask if you'd help me, since you'll be there tonight anyway. I don't have enough arms, but the guys think it's funny to make someone try to carry it all by themselves." I stuttered.

Since I was alone in my room reading and I have a pretty high metabolism I was in my soccer shorts without a shirt on. Now, normally I'm not a guy with a problem about nudity, streaking or anything like that, much less shirtlessness. I mean, I was on the diving team. We had naked diving nights and all showered naked all the time. But this was Christian, the guy I'd developed the biggest most instantaneous crush on in my entire life.

I was so caught off guard that words just sort of fell out of my mouth, "Uh, sure, Christian. Anything for a friend." Urk. I didn't want to go to this party and I had just called a man I had met last night friend. Good job dumbass. But Christian grinned his magic rogueish grin and it was all better, "Dude, thanks man, grab some shoes and lets go." So… I went. What else could I do.

We went shopping which didn't take long, lots of different chips and dips and juices and sodas. Someone else had been sent for alcohol, Christian informed me. Then it was back to my room to grab clothes. Urg. `Cause being shirtless in front of this God didn't make me nervous, Christian insisted on helping me pick an outfit. He frowned at my usual clubbing outfit, "No way man, save something that sexy for later in the year. Go for something more… casual." You can imagine what mental gymnastics games my mind played with THAT one! Finally I settled on some brown jeans and a tight black tee-shirt. It worked, showing off my shoulders and chest without making me look like a cube.

So, we got back to the house and I greeted people. I kinda felt awkward, `cause I wasn't a house member or anything, I had barely met them last night and here I was before the party even started. But there had been no denying Christian, and so here I was. So I helped set up. It involved a lot of me asking people where to put things and if I could help. The guys were really cool, except Randy who did nothing but give me the evil eye all night long. I got along fantastically with Cody and a guy named Jason, who were wrestlers and lacrosse players respectively.

Finally, the party started. People filtered in slowly, and I started to notice a couple things. First, almost all the guys coming in were HOT, like the cream of the campus. Second, there were mostly guys coming in… oh well, I'm sure the girls will come later, must be waiting to make an entrance. And finally, the girls who were coming in weren't… weren't the girls I was expecting.

When you go to a college party with as much alcohol as this one, you expect to see the drunken slut crowd and the sororities. While there were a few that might fall into that category most of these women were… cool. Over the years, I've found much comfort and solace in the arms of women, being gay. They tend to be the most understanding yada yada. Throughout this I had developed a sort of mutant gaydar. I could spot lesbos, bi-dykes, and the staunch allies at a hundred paces. And that's what these girls were. Huh? Why would a bunch of guys who could probably have any woman they wanted invite a group of girls who liked girls and girls who tended not to be the sort to jump in the sack? Again, I put it down to it being early.

As per usual, my method of partying was to stand near the mixed drinks and offer help, `cause I know my stuff relatively well, though I don't drink much myself. Unfortunately, Christian noticed this about an hour into the party (10:30) and came barreling over. He quickly mixed a drink (apparently it was called a Paradise Lost, 5 kinds of alcohol, all of them sweet and fruity, he knew me already), shoved it in one of my hands, grabbed the other, and dragged me bodily out into the rapidly growing crowd.

"Oh God help me." I cried, silently to myself. Not only was I going to be stuck at a party, I was going to be asked to be social. Shit. Sure enough, Christian dragged me over to a bunch of guys and girls and introduced me. We danced and talked, surprisingly, there was real music, not just house/trance techno crap. I talked a lot with this girl named Liz, who was a really well put together, though more curvy than classically attractive. She was straight; I was pretty sure, but damn cool, and certainly not hanging on any of the men. There was also this girl named Ginger, now there's a dumb blonde name, who was nothing of the sort. She flirted outrageously with Christian, but in the same way we gay guys flirt with straight women, and she kept starting laughing, so it was really funny. I think she was a lesbian, but it didn't matter.

So, the long and short of it? There were lots of really fun people, I got HAMMERED, which I had done only like twice before ever and crawled home at like 4 in the morning. By some freak accident of genetics, I'm almost immune to hangover, so I was ok the next day. The next week was awesome, I hung out with Christian and his friends all the time when I wasn't hanging with my own friends or in class or diving practice.

The next weekend there was another party (Christian explained to me that there were more at the beginnings and ends of terms) and I went to this one, once Christian asked me, without having to be dragged. It was awesome, until the end of the night when Jason danced over with another Paradise Lost (all the guys I hung out with most knew that was my favorite already) and asked, "So, what do you think?"

I grinned dumbly, I was drunk off my ass again, "It's a fantastic party, Jase, one of only a few I've been to!"

Jase rolled his eyes and shook his head, he playfully swatted the back of my head, "No ya dolt! What do you think about us? This?" His arm swept back to include the house.

I grinned again, "Oh! Yeah, you guys are awesome. Seriously, I have felt so much more at home here since I met you guys. And I think you're makin' my grades go up from reduced stress! And I love hanging out here, you guys have a SWEET house!"

Jase looked confused, "Uh… no… how drunk ARE you, giddy boy? I meant, us, the frat? What do you think?"

I stared at him dumbly, my brain convinced me I misheard him, "Uh… I don't think I'm joining a frat, Jase. Then I wouldn't get to hang out with cool people like you and stuff. And I don't think they'd like me much, I don't get along with drunk jocks."

Jase closed his eyes and hit his forehead with the heel of his hand. He mumbled to himself, "That idiot. He didn't tell him. Of all the hairbrained…" He lifted his head and grabbed my shoulders, "Dan. This? This is a frat. We're Epsilon Delta Omega, EDO. The other young guys here? They're mostly possible new recruits, pledges."

He waited for me to respond, and I didn't. I just sat there, trying to make my drunken brain function enough to wrap itself around this concept. I couldn't. My brain spewed forth years of inferiority complex, "Uh… but… I can't… I mean… I'm not cool enough to… and the guys… they wouldn't really like me if they knew me… and if they knew…" I stuttered to a halt, looking Jase in the eyes, eyes that I had thought would be the eyes of a new friend, someone I could hang out with, talk to. Alcohol makes me cute and funny, or so I'm told. When it doesn't do that, however, it makes me bitter and depressed. My happy, bouncy mood shot out of the sky like some plunging bird - I fell to earth, stunned, bitter, and depressed. My eyes started to tear.

Jase took my shoulders again, "What's wrong Pi? (he switched to my nickname, which for some reason never sounded diminutive or insulting from these guys) You were going to say something, what is it? Why is us being a frat so terrible? We're local, no national org if that's what you're worried about. We make our own decisions."

I shook my head, numbly. His kind concern only made it worse. Finally, I broke under the onslaught of his kindness and the alcohol buzzing in my ears. I fell apart, "I'm… I'm gay, Jase. And here I thought I was going to find friends and now I'm going to have to leave and youguys'llpretendyounevermetmeand I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

Before I could break from his grasp, Jase had pulled me close to him, "Shit," I thought, "I'm gonna die. Mom will be so mad that I died drunk." But I didn't. He hugged me and whispered into my ear, "Let me tell you a secret, Pi. So'm I. And you don't see me bruised, do you?" He hugged me again and let my tears subside. Before releasing me, "And as to the other parts, you dumbass. We've been hanging out all week! Of course we like you! You've got one of the best chances of anyone incoming! Christian thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread, that's probably why the idjit didn't tell you we were a frat, afraid of scaring you off. Cody and I'll definitely vote for ya, and I'd be surprised as hell if Nick didn't too."

"Randy hates me." I said, bitterly. Determined to shoot this plan down.

"Randy is a fuckwit, and most everyone knows it. We'll deal with him. Seriously, Pi. You should join. You know you love hanging out with us, you like our parties, what have you got to lose? We even require you to keep grades up and help each other if we slip. Come on man."

When drunk, like many people, I don't' hold up well against peer pressure unless it's something I'm dead set against for safety sake. And I trusted Jase… "Yeah… sure… why not?" I grinned weakly.

Jase grinned from ear to ear, "That's what I like to hear! Now if I get my hands on Christian for not TELLING you this up front, I'll strangle the bugger! Lets go get another drink."

Usually if I found out a guy as hot as Jase was gay, I would be totally flustered and trying desperately (and failing) to flirt with him without ever speaking to or looking at him. But I was too caught up in the moment to worry about it. I was going to be a part of something. And it was cool. I danced the night away.

Literally. I woke up on a couch in the morning. Even my resistance to hangovers wasn't enough and I thought my head would fall off. But there was no defense against Christian bouncing down the stairs and shouting brightly, "Jase told me you said yes! That's so great! We start next week, show up at 8:00 in the morning on Saturday" I tried to smile through my wince as the elephants tore down my brain again, just as I was trying to reconstruct it from the pieces that had fallen out my ears, "Yeah."

So here I had gone and agreed to join a frat. What in the name of all that was holy was I doing. Once I was home and sober, this did not seem like nearly the good idea it had before. I called up my friend Chloe and she came over.

"Hmm… I've heard some about EDO. They're a pretty exclusive group, most of the best athletes in the school are in there, and a bunch of the top students. You sure they want you to join?"

I bridled a bit, "Of course, a couple of `em said so. And I've been hanging out with them a lot. And don't you think I'm good enough?"

Chloe rolled her eyes, "Of course I do, hon. I just don't want to see you get hurt. There's some pretty tough guys in that frat, and they don't get to be so exclusive by making it easy to get in."

She talked more, but she had made the mistake of mentioning they were exclusive. I had never been part of something exclusive before. I was always the kid who made it onto the team or into the group and then sat in the corner. But these guys, these, some of the coolest Big Men On Campus wanted me. They wanted me to be a part of their clique. I was sold.

So next weekend, there I was. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Randy, great. Or rather the door opened and he glared at me and grunted, "Oh, the runty puppy's here. You're going to get torn apart by the wolves here kid. Run home now with your tail between your legs before it's too late."

I almost did. I almost turned around and gave up right there. But Jase's words echoed in my head. He said he'd support me, and so would others. So I squeezed in the door, past Randy and into the house. I wasn't the first one there. There were quite a few other guys there, must have been almost thirty. I recognized a few, including this kid Gregg, who was the new freshman hot shot on the football team. He was HUGE, but had proven to be a nice guy when I talked to him at the last party.

We waited almost until 9:00. Finally One of the guys I didn't know as well, Jack came in and started talking, "So, looks like this is all we got. I'm going to tell you all of this now, and you won't hear it again, so listen up, it might save your chances of actually making it in. There are eight, count them, EIGHT, spots in the House this year. This means that eight of you COULD make it in. But we don't let in just anyone, and we'd rather be short eight people than let in some fucker who's just going to screw up."

He went on in this vein for quite a while, all about how it was going to be a dog eat dog competition for these slots and you might as well give up and go home if you weren't prepared to take it. Blah blah, friendships will be formed and broken, blah blah blah. It was pretty much what I expected. One kid left. The rest of us just rolled our eyes.

That evening came our first big competition, it was a drinking competition, as per standard fratness. We had to bong beers. One kid, think his name was Harry or something, got knocked out, `cause he couldn't open his throat to let the beer in. Dumbass. Even I could do that (though you could probably make some off color joke about that ability being tied to the gay gene). It was a tough fucking competition for me. I only weigh about 140 pounds, and I was competing against guys who were huge. Gregg was almost 250, of muscle, and seemed to be able to drop infinite amounts of beer into his gut without feeling it. But I was stubborn and there was no way I was going down. Luckily I was blessed with an Irish/Scottish resistance by my ancestors, and I finished about in the middle. It wasn't an elimination competition, but it gave you black marks which made you easier to eliminate.

Over the next few weeks there was a lot of miserable tasks, as per standard frat hazing. You know, cleaning nasty rooms and dishes, standing in cold water, getting yelled at, running around on stupid scavenger hunts. And of course we had to keep up our grades. The next big competition was cooking. I know, you're saying how ridiculously dorky is that? But these guys were serious athletes and so they had to be able to cook good food that also was healthy for them. So we each had to make a dish and the House would try it and judge them.

Here I was in my element. I loved to cook. Before leaving for college my mother had put together a set of dishes from her extras for me and my little bro had bought me a knife set. I think some of the other guys' eyes started bugging when I asked to run back to my dorm for supplies, and then more so when I dragged my cast iron skillet and fancy non-stick everyday pan back along with a bag of other stuff. We also had to prepare a short statement on what the dish was appropriate for and why it was good. I made chicken zinfandel (chicken with mushrooms in a cream sauce) over noodles and gave a short speech about carbs and noodles with protein being good before things like soccer meets and track events (I knew from high school). Christian beamed.

However, I was not the only one who could cook. Where I was Christian's pet pledge, this kid Kurt was Randy's. Kurt was everything I didn't like about jocks. He didn't actually even play a sport, just lifted. He was tall, and tan with bleached tips and clothes that must have cost three times what mine did. He was a rich snob and showed it. And unfortunately, for some reason, he could cook. He made a fancy rice dish with fish and peppers. It beat mine. I was pissed. It wasn't bad enough that he beat me, but he pointed it out repeatedly for the next week. I had finished second, but second didn't get you anything, only first and last. Another couple dropped out here.

Another week of misery. This week had involved a search for something in a swamp. We were disgusting and smelly and tired. It was worst for me, `cause I was shortest. Well, and Kurt kept "accidentally" bumping into me. Finally I tripped him, but of course when *I* did it, Randy was watching and I picked up two black marks. Shit. Black marks weren't even contestable.

That weekend was my next chance to catch up. This time it was a test of endurance. Not wanting to give any sport the advantage, it was divided into three parts. This contest was for elimination and the top and bottom three places all got marks, good and bad respectively, the last three left. The first part was a running thing. I wasn't last, but I sure as hell wasn't first. I hate distance running. The second test was moving something for as long as possible. We were given ropes tied to weights which weighed the same as we did. This could be interesting. We then had to drag them as far as possible across a really long field. People started dropping out pretty quickly, this was hard, but Kurt, Gregg, a kid named Justin and I weren't about to give up. I wrapped my rope around my shoulders and used my legs to pull as much as I could. Justin, who was a baseball player used his arms more, Gregg just sort of dragged the thing. Finally, halfway across the field, Justin gave in. The rest of us dogged on, but it wasn't much further before I couldn't go any further either. I was used to working against my own weight, not others. Kurt held his own against Gregg for quite a while, he was used to lifting remember, but Gregg was so used to moving heavy things and people he probably could have dragged his weight the whole field and back.

Pointswise Kurt and I were tied, and Gregg was a little ahead of us, tied with Scott, the guy who had won the running event. The final event was deceptively simple. There were pull-up bars set up about ten feet in the air. We were each hoisted up to our bar and told to hang on. Then we were supposed to hang there, just hang. This was not Gregg's sport and he dropped out early, his heavy body too much to hold. Justin and Scott dropped too. This basically left the competition to Kurt and I if we could hold out. I was an experienced gymnast, and the uneven (a girls event) and high bar were my favorites. Grip was not a problem. But Kurt was a lifter, and he did well for himself. And we were both determined not to lose to the other. Near the end it dissolved into swearing at each other, insults to mothers, everything. I won, but only by pure will power. I could barely move my arms the next day.

Another week, this one mostly contained cleaning and things. The guys didn't want to injure us. We were down to 25 guys. The next competition was a really weird one. We got to the House and there were the guys in the living room. There were Tupper wares filled with… meat. There were hot dogs, both normal and extra long, sausages, and kielbasa. Jase was in charge of this one.

He winked at me before he began, "Sometimes in your lives, you've got to swallow some weird stuff, shit from your friends, your professors, and the administration. Sometimes you gotta learn to hold your breath and just go for it until it's over. Well, here's your task for the weekend. Swallow these, whole. Starting here with the small hot dogs."

We wrinkled up our faces. This was weird. On kid, Drew, spoke up, "Isn't that kinda… gay?"

Jase grunted, "If it were? You tellin' anyone? I ain't. Feel free to leave if you ain't man enough."

Drew fell silent and we began. The small hotdogs were easy, though one of the other guys, Cameron I think, couldn't do it. The long hotdogs were easier, I thought, `cause they didn't get stuck halfway down. I got down the sausage with difficulty, they weren't very bendy, and finally we were at the kielbasa. Gregg, Kurt and I had all made it this far, and several other guys as well.

Jase spoke up again, "For the final part, we'll be timing you. Time is of the essence in college boys, go!" I grabbed my kielbasa and opened my mouth. I was proud of myself, slowly inching it into my throat without gagging when I caught Gregg out of the corner of my eye. He had just started. He picked up the kielbasa, stuck one end in his mouth, tipped his head up, put his finger on the far end, and, in one long motion, pushed it smoothly down into his mouth. His throat bulged as it made it's way down, he swallowed twice and it was gone.

Everyone stared. I was so surprised, I gaped and stopped paying attention to my own kielbasa. It jolted down into my throat and as my reflexes took over it vanished in four small gulps. Well now. Gregg was declared the winner (apparently the fastest in the history of the House) and I got pats on the back from most of the guys, small guys didn't usually do well at this competition. We were down to 24. I might note here that besides Christian, most of the guys in the house were big guys, 5' 10" was the low end of average here.

So the next weekend we got to a competition that changed the way I looked at the whole process and myself. The guys took us on a camping trip. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed clothes. It was COLD. Some of the guys had problems with being naked and tried to hide themselves. That wasn't my problem, I had a small package when soft, but I didn't care, it was cold. There were a bunch of activities that day, including a dip in the river (that sucked hardcore). Finally, after a nice dinner, it came time for bed.

That's when they sprang it on us. They had only brought 12 sleeping bags. As if that wasn't enough, they weren't big couple bags, they were one person bags. We were paired off. I was TERRIFIED that I was going to get paired with Kurt, but luckily I wasn't. By force, I was paired with Gregg, as I was the only one with a hope of fitting in the same bag as him.

So, reluctantly, we got into the bags. Aw damn. Gregg was hot. In every way. He radiated heat, but he was also a beautifully sculpted mountain of muscle, and so masculine. His smell made my mind go other places, and between that and the heat I could soon feel an insistent pressure in my groin. Oh no. I concentrated, but Mr. Dick ignored me as usual. I was so focused on my own dick that I almost didn't notice a rather insistent poking in my chest. I looked down. Oh. I was so short (5' 4") in comparison to Gregg (6' 8") that his crotch was literally at my chest level. And now his dick was growing up my chest and poking at my chin.

Gregg frowned awkwardly, "Uh… sorry man, it's just well… the heat and… I'm sorry, and… oh no."

His dick had started to ooze and was now oozing on my chin. I laughed, Gregg had seemed a cool enough guy… why not, it's not like he could do anything to me if he wanted to… and I had had alcohol again before bed (we all had), "No worries, Gregg. I mean, just because my little prick's poking you in the ANKLE while yours tried to shove itself down my FACE doesn't mean I'm gonna hate you forever or anything!"

I hesitated, he laughed, "You're cool, you know that, Pi?"

I decided to spill the beans, "Besides, Gregg, who's to say I don't LIKE you oozing on me?" I looked up and grinned impishly. Gregg's mouth dropped, "You mean? You're? Oh great, as if this wasn't going to be hard enough!"

My face fell, "Uh… I… oh shit… I'm sorry, Gregg. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just a little tipsy and you're so attractive and… I'm sorry."

Gregg laughed, "You dork. It was going to be hard enough having my hard dick next to the mouth of a hot straight guy. Having it next to the mouth of a hot GAY guy I've had a fucking crush on is just torture you evil little gnome!"

I raised my eyebrow, "Well then, perhaps we should remove the temptation?"

I ran my fingertips lightly across the indentations of his hips. Involuntarily, his butt tensed, causing his dick to jump and pull itself out from under my chin. A slight shift of my position and as it fell back into place, my mouth was there waiting to catch it.

I kissed the tip, which had to be the size of a small plum, and mumbled up to Gregg, "I'm new to this, so be forgiving."

Gregg gasped as my tongue reached out and tasted the clear precome that was oozing from the slit of his cock, "Oh God, just do something, Pi. You're so hot… please… please suck me."

Only too happy to oblige, I gently took the head into my mouth and caressed the tip and underside with my tongue. I felt Gregg's hands move to the back of my head, not to push but to play in my hair. Ever so slowly, I inched my way down his huge nine and a half inches, as big as the kielbasa I had eaten. Finally I reached the base and inhaled the incredible sent of Gregg's manliness. Slowly I began to move all the way up and down his shaft, tongueing it as I went.

My hands found the cheeks of his ass and I pulled him closer to me. Ever so gently, I let my fingers work their way inwards as I sucked. Finally, a finger connected with that soft pucker and I felt Gregg twitch. The sweat running off his butt was enough lubrication and Gregg moaned deeply as I slowly slipped my finger into his hot, clenching ass. So, as I sucked him in the front, I finger fucked him gently in the back.

He groaned, "Oh god Pi. I'm so close…"

I swallowed him to the base as I pushed three fingers past his sphincter. With a deftness I don't know the origin of, I found his prostate and tickled it, just as I swallowed twice the dick that was already crammed to the hilt down my throat, giving him a full shaft massage. He let loose a deep guttural moan and I pulled off until only the head of his dick was in my mouth, jacking the other eight inches with my free hand. Gregg came, flooding my mouth with cum so sweet and musky. I swallowed all of it, even though it threatened to overbrim my mouth, before finally pulling off gasping.

Gregg was panting, "That… was… the most… incredible… blowjob… ever. Come here, you."

He reached down and hooked his arms under mine, pulling me up towards him. But my own throbbing cock was still hard and untended to, as hot as giving him the blowjob had been, and it caught under his pendulous balls, and I winced.

Gregg stopped and apologized, then laughed, "Looks likes someone still needs to be taken care of, eh?"

Without waiting for an answer he bent down a little and clenched his butt, trapping my dick between his sweat soaked glutes. I moaned. Gregg chuckled again, "You got your fingers up there before, Mr. Pi. How'd you like to be the hot little man-package who takes this big muscle jock's maidenhead?"

Again he didn't wait for an answer, but tipped his hips forwards lowered himself in the bag, deftly sliding himself onto my own 7 and a half (not very thick) manhood. "I groaned, besides myself with pleasure, "Oh my God Gregg, you are so hot. Your ass feels so good… oh God."

Gregg grunted, "Unh. Oh, your dick. I can feel your heart beat. Oh god Pi, fuck me. Now. Fuck this hot jock ass."

Truthfully I did little fucking. Mostly Gregg did the work, sliding himself up and down and tightening his ass around my dick. I thought I would pass out from pleasure, but finally, I felt my body clench in preparation and orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. I clutched Gregg as it felt like everything in me shot out my dick into his hot ass.

Gregg had become hard again while we were fucking and was poking me in the stomach, "Oh Pi, I've got to… I've got to have you."

I was too weak to protest as he lifted me again and this time set on his cock. I could feel that huge mushroom head that had filled my mouth nudging insistently at my back door. I own a vibrator, but Gregg was at least twice as big. Gregg pushed gently on my shoulders and I pushed against his chest and I slid slowly down his dick, sheathing him in my own body. The pain burned through me to be replaced by the most amazing sense of fullness and completeness. I clutched Gregg's middle, burying my face in his chest. Gently he began to slide me up and down his throbbing sword, impaling my guts completely. I was in heaven. Finally, "Here I coooome!" And I felt my insides flooded with the hot essence of Gregg's manhood and virility. I fell asleep, still impaled.

I woke the next morning to cold air on my skin and a warm wetness on my butt. I was on my stomach, the bag unzipped like a blanket, and Gregg was licking his way from my leg up to my back. He grinned as I woke, "You got all sweaty last night, so I figgered I'd give you a bath!"

I wrinkled my face in mock disgust, "Eeew, Gregg drool!" And suddenly the spell was broken and we were back to friends, as if nothing had happened. We stepped out of the tent to get breakfast.

The next week was interesting. No one seemed to talk to each other as much as they had before. I wondered vaguely what had gone on in the other tents. The next week was grueling as usual, and leading up to the next to last test. We were down to 22 guys. We came, again to the weekend and it was time for the test.

We gathered again in the house. Randy oversaw this test, "Sometimes in life we have to suck it up and deal. We have to do things we're not happy with. There's a little known fact about this fraternity. If any of you ever spread this around, no one will believe you, but it'll be much the worse for you." He succeeded in glaring very threateningly at us, "The secret is, most of us… are gay. A few of us, like Jack over there," Jack waved, "Are straight, but they are in the minority. We have nothing against straight guys, but they have to be willing to be a real part of this frat. This test, gentlemen… sucks."

22 house members (there were 22 total), stepped forward into a line. Then, they dropped their pants, and boxers. Randy continued, "This is the only time you will be forced to do something like this, but it's an important part of becoming a part of the frat. You have to be willing to take a part of what is us, into you. Feel free to leave now."

I waited. I knew for a fact we had at least three straight guys. The House members started to call names. Randy went first, "Dan." Oh. Shit. I went and knelt in front of Randy, this was NOT going to be fun. The names went on down the line. One guy left immediately. Randy continued, "Life sucks a lot. Now it's your turn, go."

Another two guys started to shake, got up and left. I noticed that Luke, one of the guys I knew for a fact was straight, didn't, impressive. I didn't get much chance to think after that because Randy grabbed my ears and shoved his dick down my throat. I was lucky that I had practiced on a kielbasa and Gregg. After those, Randy and his 7 thin inches was a piece of cake. It wasn't fun though. It was mechanical and uncomfortable for me. There was no tenderness, no romance, not even the animal lust that had characterized my sex with Gregg. No, this was about power and Randy had it and used it. Eventually he buried my nose in his pubes and came down my throat. I dutifully swallowed and stood up.

Randy sneered, "Man enough for you, fucker?"

I think he was pissed that I didn't gag. I sneered back, "Gregg's bigger." It wasn't the right thing to do, but there wasn't much Randy could do about it.

Before we left Christian spoke up, "You all did well. I think Luke should get an especial hand." We applauded, surprised that the members knew Luke was straight.

Christian continued, "There's only one obstacle left. This will be by far the hardest test you have undertaken. You'll notice there's 19 of you left. There are only 8 spots. That means 11 of you are going to be eliminated in the next contest. Marks are all eliminated, tabula rasa boys. You either make it… or don't. We'll give you one hint as to your last obstacle to entrance into our ranks. Look, to the letters."

Well, that turned out to be the most useless clue ever. Oh, I figured out what they meant by "Look to the letters…" eventually. Turns out, if you take the letters literally in Greek epsilon, delta, omega spells "EDO" which is a form of the verb "to consume" So the test would be something - more - about eating, big help. We'd already done cooking, and drinking, and eating. What else could they possibly throw at us? So, finally, I gave up, there wasn't much time anyways and I didn't know how to prepare anyway.

Finally, the big day came. Either I'd become a EDO or flunk out. We gathered in the basement of the house on one side, the house members on the opposite wall and a big space in the middle for the competition. The pledges were all naked.

Christian stepped out into the middle of the room, "Cameron is coming around now with a drink for each of you. It will taste… well… like ass, and not a good one. But it's important for this test." Cameron down the line with a tray filled with paper cups of a yellow-green liquid. Christian was right, YUCK! I looked at Gregg and he made a face and winked at me. Kurt was grinning like an idiot.

After that, Ty passed out little squares of paper and pens. Christian spoke again, "We understand the bonds of friendship formed during pledging are strong. Put down two names who you don't wish to compete against for reasons of friendship. … IF your name matches with theirs, then that combat will be disallowed. If not, well it's luck of the draw."

Two names? But… damn. I put down Gregg and Pete, though I wished fervently I could add Justin, but such was the luck of the draw." We passed our lists in and Christian continued, "This next bit is going to sound ridiculous. It will sound like science fiction, but there will be a demonstration so you can better understand. The cup you just drank altered your body make up, sped up your metabolism and a bunch of other shit. You'll all have noticed your stomachs will have started growling." As if to agree with him, Gregg's stomach let out a huge rumble that seemed to echo in the concrete room. We all laughed as Gregg grinned sheepishly. Christian went on, "If you don't eat something big, soon, your stomach just might eat you. That would be… undesirable. So, we'll get to the competition. You will be engaged in a one on one combat with a randomly selected partner. There will be one winner. There's no easy way to explain this that you guys won't laugh at… so… a demonstration. Cody? Rick?"

Rick shook. This couldn't be good, he had had the most black marks before this started, and having to compete with Cody, who was huge would totally screw him. And he didn't even know what he was supposed to be doing!

Christian stepped to the side and nodded, "Begin."

Rick barely had a chance to look confused before Cody struck. He closed the intervening space and grabbed Rick around the waist, trapping his wrists as well. Rick squirmed, but there was no escape, he weighed like 120 to Cody's two hundred something! Cody lifted Rick squirming from the ground and tipped him parallel to the floor so they were face to face. He shrugged as if to say, "sorry" and yawned.

Except he wasn't yawning, his mouth gaped open impossibly large, hugely distended, easily large enough to… A slight shift of his arms and Rick's protesting head, eyes wide was shoved entirely into his mouth! Cody pulled with his arms, slowly stuffing the smaller freshman into his gullet. Rick struggled, but there was no hope. Cody gulped rapidly as he fed Rick into his mouth. We watched in amazement as in the space of less than thirty seconds Rick went from a freshman pledge to a bulge stretching Cody's throat and then, with a soft *shllluck!* to a squirming meal slightly distending Cody's six-pack. Our jaws were on the floor. No one spoke. Kurt still had that idiot grin on his face.

Into the silence stepped Christian, as Cody stepped back into line with the other House members, "Well, that's one. Only 18 now. And at the end there will be 9."

Slowly shaking myself out of the amazed stupor I was in I raised my hand, shaking, "Uh… what's going to happen to the extra man? You said there's only 8 spots?"

Christian nodded, "Very observant. We'll deal with that later. Now, the drawing!"

And so… it began. Jason drew from a bag of disks with our names on them and Ty checked to make sure they weren't pairs of friends on the list. The first two names, "Luke! Sean!"

The two nervously approached the center of the room. Christian gave the go and they started to circle each other warily. Sean was a runner, a little smaller and wiry, while Luke was a soccer player, middling size build. All in all, not badly matched. Not sure how to begin they circled for a while and feinted before finally Luke grabbed Sean and they began to wrestle in earnest. It was an odd match, neither men were wrestlers, and so Luke's muscular and size advantage gave him a significant edge. It didn't take long before Luke had Sean pinned on his stomach underneath him. Unsure he looked at Christian.

Jase yelled, "What's our motto?"

The other house members answered, "Edo edi essum! I consume, he consumes, we consume!" in a roaring chorus.

Obviously unsure of himself, Luke grabbed at Sean's ankles and stuck Sean's feet in his mouth. The look of surprise in his eyes as Sean's feet slipped easily in to his ankles was very evident. For his part, Sean continued to struggle, but Luke was sitting on his back and there wasn't really anywhere for Sean to go. Slowly, Luke worked his way down Sean's legs, swallowing rhythmically. He got just past Sean's knees before he couldn't go any further because of his position. Sean simply wouldn't bend any farther.

Not to be defeated, Luke bounced twice on Sean's back, neatly knocking the air out of his opponent before lifting up and dragging Sean out from under him. He gulped as hard as he could, grabbing Sean's hips and trying to bodily stuff him down his throat. He managed to engulf Sean to his hips before Sean could catch his breath. Sean squirmed wildly, no longer constrained by Luke's weight on his back. He tried to push himself out of Luke's grip, but Luke managed to catch his wrists and stuffed his hands in along with the rest of him.

Luke quickly swallowed Sean to his chest, and with a heave managed to slide his lips over Sean's shoulders. Here, he seemed to have difficulty. Sean's shoulders didn't want to enter his throat. He swallowed repeatedly but Sean wouldn't move. The repeated swallowing appeared to be having an effect on Sean too. At first we just thought he was out of breath, but then we realized we could see a rhythmic pulse in the bulge he was making. Luke's swallowing was turning him on! His head, the only part of him visible, tipped back and he began to moan. Suddenly, his head thrashed and he yelled, "AAARGH!"

Luke put both hands on his head and shoved as hard as he could. Sean vanished, leaving only a slowly moving bulge as evidence. Luke grinned, "Mmm, he was tasty, and so was his… little extra. Glad we both enjoyed it!" He was hard himself.

We all agreed, I was glad that Luke had won, but we had all liked Sean, and it was nice to know his last moments had been happy. But Jase was pulling names again, "Gregg! Pi!"

I prayed. If I had to fight Gregg, I was dead. I might as well just leap down his throat! Please let him have put my name down! Dimly, as I prayed to every power I knew of , I heard it, "Invalid, friendships are stronger than hunger!" Jase reached into the bag again, "DREW!"

Oh my, Drew was the smallest of us BESIDES me! And Gregg… well, you know, Gregg was the largest of any of us in every respect. The combat was as short as we anticipated. Drew failed to dodge as Gregg charged him football style and completely flattened the poor guy. He barely even managed a struggle as Gregg wrapped him in a bear hug, further squeezing any fight out of him. Gregg's mouth yawned - how did he make it look so EASY - and Drew barely managed a breathless "YELP!" before his head vanished into Gregg.

Gregg wasted no time, grabbing Drew's waist and pressing him completely above his head, ignoring Drew's hands beating at his head. He stuffed Drew's shoulders into his mouth with one gulp, pinning the smaller jock's arms to his sides, then - as if holding a full grown man in the air vertically above his head was child's play (which to him it probably was) - he turned to us, and gave me a big wink. He reached his arms up and grabbed Drew's ankles and, slid him down. He swallowed Drew in one, long, amazing gulp, turning the desperately struggling athlete into his human kielbasa.

Drew barely made a noticeable bulge in Gregg's big stomach as he came back over to us. He belched, long and loud, "Mmm, tastier'n those tubes o' meat they made us eat too!" He gave us his trademark shit- eating grin as Jase reached into the bag again.

The next competition was between Peter and this kid, Scott. I was really hoping Peter would win, Scott was nice enough, but Peter was one of my best friends. But this competition proved to be very evenly matched, the two wrestled back and forth and back and forth. Finally, Scott pinned Peter to the floor, face to face. He went in for the kill, but Pete was ready and tried to swallow Scott's head too. They were locked in what looked like some twisted horror movie kiss. Finally, Peter got an arm free and buffeted Scott upside the head. Scott was dazed, giving Pete just enough time to grab the back of Scott's head and guide it forcibly into his mouth.

They continued to roll back and forth, but Pete was slowly gaining. Finally he managed to lunge forward and shove Scott's entire upper torso down his throat in one go. Scott was trapped, his arms pinned by his sides. Pete soon joined us back at the wall with an enormous belch and a belly that was much more distended than Gregg's, "Oog, I'm so full! But it feels really great with him moving around in there…"

Three battles down, six to go. I barely followed the next couple, only noticing that the competition was rapidly dwindling. Justin pinned Andy to the wall and ate him. Brett sat on Warren's stomach and gulped him down. Four left. Kyle managed to down Paul when Paul only managed to get one leg in his mouth. Three left. There were six of us left. Evan managed to devour Colin more easily than any of us expected when he basically stood there as Colin charged. As Colin hit him, he opened his mouth as wide as he could and Colin's own weight carried him almost halfway into Evan's throat.

I started to panic. There were four of us left. The only man I wanted less to fight than Gregg was Kurt. Shit shit shit shit. Before I could panic too badly, Jase called the next names, "Tom! Mike!"

I was going to fight Kurt. I resigned myself to death and watched my last combat. Mike a wrestler was smaller than Tom, a baseball player. They fought back and forth, grappling and breaking. Tom was too smart to let Mike engage him in a wrestling match. Finally, Tom managed to use his reach and grabbed Mike directly by the head and shoved Mike in, face first.

But Mike wasn't done yet. Unlike others who had gone for the upper body, the direct source of the… problem, of being devoured, he went for Tom's legs, like a wrestler. He grabbed the backs of Tom's knees and heaved with all his might. Tom fell backwards and Mike's head popped out of his mouth. He was so startled that his head smacked into the concrete and he was dazed. Faster than you could shout Mike grabbed not Tom's feet, but his HANDS and swallowed them! Unwilling to give Tom a chance to do what he had, Mike removed the weapons. So when Tom regained his senses, he was staring between his own arms down Mike's yawning maw. After that, there was nothing Tom could do and he soon took the short dive down to become Mike's meal.

And now… my turn. My hopes were up again, if Mike could turn the tables on Tom, maybe I could do the same to Kurt. But Kurt was huge and built, much more of a difference than there had been between Tom and Mike. I approached warily, not knowing how I could possibly win this, but unwilling to give up too quickly.

Christian, who'd been largely silent, yelled, "Work to your strengths, Pi!"

Kurt grinned and whispered, too soft for anyone but me to hear, "You won't be my first meal, Pi." He sneered.

Oh. Shit.

Randy must have coached him on this, even given him direct experience! But why hadn't Christian or Jase or Cody done the same for me! Now I was facing this huge guy and was going to be devoured! I dance around, using my superior balance and speed to stay out of Kurt's reach. Unfortunately, I was distracted by trying to figure out how I was going to possibly pin Kurt and he caught me off guard. He slammed into me and wrapped me in a bear hug similar to what Gregg had done to Drew. He grinned at me as he opened his mouth to swallow my face. There was nothing I could do and suddenly my head was being sucked on. Ick.

Kurt wouldn't let it go at that either, he licked me. Double ick. I couldn't struggle well enough with my arms pinned and couldn't prevent him and he swallowed me to my shoulders. He shifted his grip to my waist, again as Gregg had done to Drew. He tensed his muscles to lift. Even in another position I wouldn't have been able to stop Kurt. He was in his element in this move. He lifted weights, I was just another weight he was dead lifting. And in this position I couldn't get the leverage to pull a Mike either.

Suddenly I had it. I knew what to do. Realizing I couldn't stop Kurt from lifting me and why made me realize I had weapons in my arsenal that HE couldn't counter! Kurt lifted. Instead of fighting him, which would have been useless, I took a page from my Aikido instruction, I "redirected his energy." In other words, I jumped.

I'm a gymnast and a diver, so, I jumped, letting Randy carry me up and over his head, but adding to my momentum and shifting my weight as if going into a layout off the diving board or over the vault. Kurt was a master of lifting weights, but weights don't throw themselves over your head. And, luckily for me, there was a smaller difference in weight between me and Kurt than there had been between Drew and Gregg.

Kurt couldn't stop my flight and I continued over him. But his mouth was wrapped around my head and shoulders, so he was forced to come with me. Just before we hit I was able to pull my head forwards and out of Kurt's mouth, landing on my feet. Kurt's head hit the floor and, like others before him, he was dazed.

Grabbing his feet I eagerly showed them in my mouth, remaining standing. I was amazed at how natural and easy it was. Though Kurt's feet tasted like dirt. I couldn't stay in this position long, Kurt would break free. So, now to take advantage of his training. I grabbed his thick thighs and lifted as I stepped towards Kurt. He was lifted up onto his upper back and shoulders. From this position, I could have gone into a back walk-over, but Kurt was stuck, he couldn't get his arms in a position to do him any good.

Opening my throat as much as I could, I fed Kurt's legs into my mouth as I swallowed. I felt my throat stretch easily. Kurt began to swear at me, vowing he'd get out of this and eat me slowly. A cold fire lit in the pit of my stomach. I was angry and my stomach wanted to be fed now. I savagely stuffed Kurt into my mouth past his knees.

My mouth was now stretched around Kurt's thighs, thick from squats. But there was no way I was going to be defeated now. I swallowed angrily and grabbed his butt forcing him further into my mouth. His butt now rested on my tongue and I could taste him. My stomach growled again.

But Kurt was bigger than me. His legs had reached the bottom of my stomach and refused to bend. Kurt laughed, "Bite off more than you can chew, Pi? I'm going to enjoy feeling you slip down my throat to struggle uselessly as I digest you. You hear me Pi? I'll make sure to swallow lots of air so you'll know exactly what's happening to you. You're gonna suffer you stupid fuck."

The cold anger vanished. Instead a white hot fury ignited in my stomach and spread up my spine to my brain. I would show this arrogant bastard. I'd show him. I'd dominate him completely, make him mine. I would turn this beautiful man into little more than an extra lean hamburger making me stronger, squirming for my enjoyment. Struggling to maintain my balance, I stood on one foot - thanking heaven that my sports focused on balance - and kicked Kurt in the head, repeatedly. He flailed with his still free arms, but luckily could manage to grab my fast kicking feet (thank you kickboxing!). Though dazed, his legs remained braced in my stomach.

So I bent myself double. As a gymnast and diver I had done endless sit-ups, v-ups, tuck-ups and everything else in between. Direct force on his knees, as opposed to vertical, squat-like force was not something Kurt could deal with, especially after being kicked in the head. I swallowed triumphantly, pulling Kurt towards me with all the strength I used for giants on the highbar. Kurt's butt was entirely in my mouth now, and there wasn't enough space for him to straighten his legs back out again. I stood back up.

I rejoiced, though was now faced with another problem. I wasn't really strong enough to get Kurt over my head, but he was already standing completely on his head. I couldn't bend over to swallow him any more, it would make me too compressed to fit him in. Oh, and I could feel Kurt's dick against the top of my mouth, that was interesting… OW!

My head rang. I had forgotten that engulfing Kurt's well shaped hips and bubble butt put my head in range of Kurt's still free arms. Now balanced on the top of his head, he couldn't see me but was more free to flail with his arms. I was pissed, but couldn't think of anything to do, *WHACK* He hit me again.

Without thinking about it, I caught his next swing right next to my head. As it was already in perfect position I stuffed it into my mouth next to Kurt's hips. Kurt started yelling again. With more difficulty, I grabbed his other wrist and shoved that into my mouth too. Now, at least, I was free to think, and I didn't think Kurt really had much chance to escape. But I was stuck, I couldn't bend over, but I wasn't Gregg to just deadlift a guy over my head. And my jaw was beginning to ache.

For the most part, the room had been quite during most of the competitions, allowing the only souds to come from the competitors. But now a voice broke that silence.

It was Gregg, "Go Pi, go Pi, go Pi! Eat him Pi! Gulp him down! Show that fucker who's just another meal, squirming for your pleasure! You've got it little dude! Go Pi! Go Pi! Go Pi!"

Peter and Luke joined in, "Go Pi! Go Pi!"

A surge of warmth flooded through me, banishing the anger that had burned before and replacing it with a brilliant fire of determination. I grew up on a small farm, and sometimes, there's no one to help you do something. But it's go to get done, so you do it. I was not a large man, and had no pretentions therein. But i wasn't no weakling either. I single handedly lifted the front end of a steelframed car out of a ditch once. Why? 'cause it was dark and it needed to be done.

Right now, Kurt needed to be swallowed. Despite being thoroughly screwed, he was still taunting me. It was time to show this fucker who was boss. I gripped the flairs of his lats under his shoulders, bent my legs, and LIFTED. Slowly, Kurt was hoisted off the ground, even with my eyes, and then up, further, so he was looking down at me. I had done it.

I wasn't, however, Gregg, even after getting Kurt up there. That had been an act of sheer willpower, a feat like grandmothers lifting cars of kids. I couldn't maintain it. I stumbled over to the wall, perfect. Kurt's shoulders balanced against the wall and I could relax a little.

If my mouth hadn't been stuffed full of jock, I would have been grinning like an idiot. Kurt was mine now. I gulped hard and felt his crotch slip into my throat, his rippled abs, clenched in fear now, vanishing into between my lips. Kurt wasn't mocking me now, he was begging, pleading, extorting my fine character. His bowing and scraping was gut short with a gasp as my throat muscles contracted around his midriff, forcing his breath out and pulling his broad chest into my stretched maw.

Kurt was begging again, promising me free sex, homework, popularity, money, everything. But if my desire to end this man wasn't enough, I could see Christian beaming with pride from the far wall and Gregg and Luke and Pete were still cheering me on. I swallowed vengefully and my lips snapped tightly into a velvet collar around Kurt's neck. I looked Kurt in the eyes, and winked. I put my hands on his head and pushed, gulping hard, and his beautiful tanned face slipped into darkness between my lips. I swallowed hard, over and over, until I felt the impossible fullness of Kurt filling my belly completely.

I had done it. As impossible as it was, I had swallowed Kurt. I slapped my stomach, "Who's squirming uselessly now, Kurt?"

My stomach writhed. I hadn't realized it, being a little busy with other things, but swallowing Kurt had made and kept me rock hard. The feeling of him struggling futiley inside me pushed me over a brink I didn't know I was at. I came, covering myself in goo. Grinning sheepishly I turned to the guys, "Uh... sorry?"

Gregg laughed and ran over, sweeping me up in a huge hug and spinning me around (don't ask how, he just did), completely oblivious of the cum I was spreading across his chest. He kissed me hard on the lips, "Congrats, Pi! I knew you could do it!"

Randy grunted, "You're not done yet, little puppy. You've got another competition fuckface. This one will be - "

"Wait a minute there, Randy, what's the first rule of the House? Tell me..." Ty interjected.

Randy whirled on him, "Let none who are not members of the House know us. DUH you idiot."

Cody stepped forwards, "Exact a-fucking tactly, 'fuckface.' And in case it slipped your weight-addled brain, PLEDGES AREN'T MEMBERS. That's why they're PLEDGES. You told Kurt what was coming."

I shook my head thoughtfully, no wonder Christian hadn't coached me or anything, "Kurt said I wouldn't be his first meal."

Randy whipped around, "Shut up you stupid piece of shit. I'll..."

"You'll do nothing. Guys, there's sticky on the back of Pi and Kurt's tags. It would have stuck them to the bottom of the bag and made them last." Jase interrupted Randy.

Christian glared, "I had suspected, but didn't know. I didn't want to accuse you because you're a Brother, even if we don't see eye to eye. But trying to rig the contest? You have betrayed the House. You know the rules, guys?"

Five guys grabbed Randy. His cocky attitude changed to one of fear. He writhed and struggled, but five buff men were far too much for him to fight. They knocked him down, stripped him, and pinned him to the floor.

Christian stripped off his pants, he hadn't been wearing a shirt (or underwear for that matter) and walked to his feet so he was facing us and looking down on Randy, He looked at us, "Remember this, Pledges. The love of the House is great. We will support you in everything you try to achieve. Ask and ye shall recieve, there is little you can't accomplish and we are happy to give help. But remember also, betray the House and vengeance is swift and irrevocable." He looked down at Andy, "You have betrayed the House and it's trust."

He crouched and gripped Randy's ankles, "You have given those who cared for you and trusted you only betrayal. You have treated those who respected you like shit. And so shall you be returned to shit."

With one smooth motion he lifted Randy's legs and sank Randy's feet into his ass. We gasped collectively, it had been amazing to watch Cody engulf Rick, this was an entirely new surprise, and Christian made it look so simple and effortless. We watched amazed as his butt clenched and Randy was dragged across the floor, sucked up into Christian's ass to his knees.

Christian rocked his hips forwards and grunted. Randy slid across the floor again, this time vanishing into Christian's beautiful ass to his thickly muscled thighs. Rhythmically Christian groaned and flexed his ass, drawing Randy ever further into his ass. Slowly we watched Randy's groin dissapear into Christian, lifting Randy's back off the ground. We realized Christian must be stronger than his small size implied, he didn't seem to be having any trouble taking or lifting Randy.

At this point Jase grabbed Randy's arms and fed them into Christian's ass alongside his thighs. Christian moaned. We could see he was hard.

Now Randy was begging, all his bluster gone, "Please guys! You don't understand! I can explain! Please Christian!"

Christian ignored his pleas, and his ass continued its inexorable advance, devouring Randy's smooth chest. With a soft *shluck* his broad shoulders vanished. Randy now hung suspended upside down between Christian's thighs, only his head remaining. Christian's cock was throbbing.

Ty stepped up in front of Christian, "Randy, your coming into this House has brought pain and sadness. Know that at least your leaving will bring one member pleasure. Your membership is revoked."

Christian grabbed his throbbing member. With three storkes he was shooting, his entire body spasming. Randy's head vanished into Christian's ass, leaving only a squirming bulge which swiftly surrendered to his contracting abs.

Panting, he spoke, "As we have just lost a House member, there are now nine spots to be filled. Normally, leadership of a class is determined by a competition. But this would leave us with only eight new Members and force the friends Pi and Gregg to fight. Can we agree that the overwhelming odds that Pi faced can count, and let him be leader?"

Gregg was the first to raise his fist in salute. Apparently, he had little interest in leading the class. Of course, I didn't really either, but hey, if they wanted me to, I'd do it - it was only a year position. We went upstairs to get cleaned up, dressed, and the older members to have dinner (we pledges were... rather full).

So that's how I became a member of EDO. I haven't had another chance to eat a guy yet, it's only been a week since Kurt, but I'm looking forward to it. The guys had some other potion to give to guys who didn't want to build bulk so they could continue being effective runners and shit, but I wasn't worried with my sports. A little extra bulk would just help me press the board down. Oh, and Christian and I are kinda dating. He's fucking hot and god DAMN I love getting fucked by him! He's a damn good cock sucker too. But um... yeah... so that's the story. That's how I became a swallower and a member of the best frat ever.

~ The End

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